
Showing posts from April, 2019
Is anybody else as confused about Mrs May as I am? she claims to be a Conservative, but seems intent on destroying them, she claims the have what is good for the country at heart, but is intent on making us a laughing stock, why is it that even though she has failed 3 times to get her deal accepted, (a deal that even the EU agree is not a good deal) she still wants to submit it again? what is it that is so special about this deal? and who stands to benefit from it the most? nobody that I have spoken to seems to know what this deal involves, surely the fact that nobody wants it speaks volumes and should be enough reason for her to ditch it. So come on Mrs May remember the good old days before you was brain washed, when Brexit meant Brexit, time to ignore the Brats and take notice of the people who pay your wages, time to leave. If you can't sort it then put it to the people who voted for it, let them decide, do we leave with or without a deal.
Has anybody else noticed that whenever a protest is going on, mainly involving young people, how the Marxist is always offering support, i.e. uni fees, global warming etc, I wonder is he is perhaps desperate to get the young people to vote for him,  but never a cheep from him when it involves protests about prosecuting old soldiers that fought in Ireland or demos about the IRA or terrorists, funny how he was always supporting ban the bomb and any thing to do with his mates in the middle east, i.e. Libya, Hesbola and any other terrorist organizations, makes you realise why he is called the Marxist, do we really want him in power in this country, if by some remote chance he does become Prime Minister will he keep his promise to support all the things he says he will or will the Labour party do what they have always done, throw money at the problem and hope it goes away, and then when the country is on the edge of bankruptcy  leave it to anther party to sort the mess out
I have just been reading an article that states that the Appeaser has set a new Brexit deadline till June 30th  to ensure that British MEPs elected next month never take up their seats, ( ( ) and the cost to the country if the EU elections go ahead, £100 million, to say this is totally disgusting is putting it mildly, what is it with these politicians that they think they can just waste the tax payers money as and when they feel like it, do they ever stop to think about what that sort of money can be used for, they keep bleating on about how the country cannot afford to pay for more police officers, nurses, doctors, etc, etc, the list goes on and yet they can find money to waste when it suits them, when this Brexit farce is all over and done with then no matter the outcome a mechanism must be put in place to ensure that this never happens again, there has to be a system bro...
With the class of candidates who are backing Nigel Farage's Brexit party for the EU elections I would think that both the EU and Parliament are now starting to get worried, if not they should be, Nigel is putting together a formidable party and if after the EU elections he decides to form an opposition party in the general election then I think it is game over for the others, it's time we had a party that is going to give the 2 main party's a run for their money, they have had it their own way for far too long, so come on Nigel show them how a decent party should be run, for the benefit of the people not for the selfish few.
I keep reading about how the appeaser will be gone by June, so say her own party are trying to do everything in their power to oust her as PM, all though I cannot understand what it is that is so important about her deal that she keeps trying to get it passed by parliament you have to admire her tenacity, not only is she having to fight the EU (who are going to punish us right to the end) but her own party as well as the opposition, surely the best thing she can do is tell us all the facts and then let the people decide whether they want to leave without a deal or accept her deal, it's no good leaving the Brats to make a decision , all they are concerned about is what's best for themselves, they have never been able to agree about anything only what massive pay rise to give themselves. So come on Mrs May let's settle this once and for all, ask the people who it affects the most to make the decision on whether they want to leave with your deal or without, and tell the Brats ...
I have just been reading about how one in four teachers in the UK say they experience physical violence from their pupils at least once a week, and many say that poor behaviour is making them want to leave the profession, this is such a shame, they go into teaching to try to help kids not to get abuse from them, surely this is all down to lack of discipline, starting in the home, one of the EU's laws that started out with good intentions is no longer being able to discipline children, All kids will push and push to see how far they can go and if you can no longer discipline them then what have they got to be afraid of , being the oldest of 10 kids my parents must have had the patience of saints, my Father never ever smacked us it was my Mother who saw to that side of things, and believe you me if we got a smack we deserved it, the same in school if we cot the cane or strap again it was because we deserved it, because of the discipline and the teaching we grew up knowing what respec...
I have read that some billionaires have raised 600 million dollars in 24 hours to help rebuild Notre Dame, I find that so disgusting that a wealthy institution like the church can benefit from that much money, when I think how many starving children this could feed and how much it could help towards cleaning up the plastic etc from this planet, I have no doubt that some of them got rich on the backs of the oil industry from which plastic is made, they probably think it is going to buy them a better place in heaven when they die. sad how they can give away part of their fortunes to already rich institutions but not to the people that need it, but then I suppose we must keep the clergy in the lifestyle it's used to.
So polls show that the conservatives  are  on course for the worst general election result in its 185-year history, and let's face it nobody in their right mind wants the Labour party led by the Marxist in power, and it seems to me that the LibDems and Green party are non starters, which means the time is right for a new political party in this country, so come on Nigel never mind the Euro elections get on and reform Ukip or a similar party, that way if things continue the way they are you can almost guarantee your place in no10.
While I agree to a certain extent on what the eco activists are trying to achieve by protesting, what I can't understand is why they feel they have to bring chaos to this country, I always thought that we are at the fore front when it comes to tackling climate change and pollution, so why do they not protest in the country's that are the worst polluters, surely this is where they need to try and bring about change, is it perhaps something to do with the fact that in some of these countries they face spending years in rat infested prisons or even being shot for voicing their opinions, yes we desperately need to do something to bring about change if we want to leave this planet to our grand children etc, but for goodness sake vent your feelings at the worst offenders, on another note how many of you protesters bother to pick up plastic etc from our beaches when you go to the seaside or how many of you will bother to clear away your take-a-way wrappers and plastic when you have fi...
Well isn't that typical of our selfish spoilt brats of politicians, the country's in a mess, they get granted an extension to sort the mess that is Brexit out and they go on holiday, even the Euro MP's are amazed, they can't make up their minds on a deal so what do they do? bury their heads in the sand, these people have had it to easy for to long it's time we had a new party, one that is going to put the people of this country first, not politicians who are in it for an easy life and lining their pockets by fiddling their expenses etc.
So yet another retired soldier to be prosecuted over Northern Ireland, what is it with our government? okay there was a lot of atrocities committed  by both sides but if you are going to prosecute one side then you have to do the same to the other side not grant them pardons, it seems that one ex soldier is being charged concerning the shooting of a 15 yr old boy, I had a friend who did 3 tours of duty in Northern Ireland he had to go into hiding due to the fact he was being hunted by the I.R.A, he used to say how terrible it was out there, the problems they had was not so much with the men, but with the women and kids some as young as 6-7 who used throw not only bricks etc at the soldiers but also dog and human excrement and buckets of urine thrown over them plus all the verbal abuse and yet they were not allowed to retaliate, some of the older kids i.e. were even given guns and told to shoot at the troops, but again if they shot back they would be charged unless they could prove ...
I honestly thought that I would never see the day that one person could do so much damage to a political party as the Appeaser has, Labour under the Marxist was never a starter but to see the Conservatives as decimated as they are now is worrying, it comes to something when you hear that party activists are scared to even put leaflets through doors because of the abuse they are getting concerning both major party's  goes to show just how little faith people have in Britain's politicians, as I said in a previous post when it comes to election time local and general, how are we ever going to get a ruling party? it's just not going to happen, which is going to leave this once fine in one hell of a state of rule, as for the EU elections it looks like Nigel Farage's Brexit party are going to walk away with 85% of the seats, perhaps Nigel ought to start forming a party for the next general party, we need some one else other for the Marxist to vote for, the last thing we need ...
Once again the people have been sold down the river, how many times is she going to call a vote on her deal? what happens if the brats keep on rejecting it will she keep applying for even more extensions? this can't go on any longer, what will it take to bring this fiasco to and end? civil war? surely there must be a process whereby the people can put forward either a vote of no confidence in the government or sack them by calling for a general election. I am still trying to understand why she is so determined to get her deal accepted when it has been made obvious so many times that nobody wants it, perhaps there needs to be an official investigation into her motives, usually someone who is as determined as she is to force something that they want so badly on to other people do it because they have a lot to gain personally. It seems as if Brexit is now talked about more than the weather, and I have never known so many people discuss a subject with such anger, even more so than Ton...
Well thanks to the brats it looks like the remainers have got their own way and we will be remaining in the EU indefinitely, what is it with the appeaser? why is she letting this fiasco happen? seems to me she is just like Tony Blair he lied about weapons of mass destructions and she has lied about Brexit meaning Brexit and taking us out of the EU, it is going to be a long time before the people of this once great nation ever trust a politician again, what we need now is a good strong prime minister, somebody who is prepared to listen to what the electorate have to say, somebody who is in touch with the people. I think it's time to call for a general election that way we can get rid of all these self centred politicians in all parties who are in parliament solely for their own benefit, how many times have we seen reports about some of them fiddling their expenses etc, the fact that one person in particular can go to prison for committing an offence and then lying about it and then ...
March 29th 2019 the day democracy died in the UK, the problem with us British people is we are too laid back and easy going, our politicians  should be very grateful we are not like the French, other wise anarchy and chaos would be the order of  the day, having said that we will only take so much and when we snap they had better watch out, I think they will find out just what happens come not only the local elections but also the next general election (which I don't think is that far away) when most of the brats lose their seats and their cushy overpaid jobs, Prediction, hung parliament with no party getting sufficient seats to govern, and woe betide us if the Marxist does manage to get elected, he can then do what the Labour government are good at, which is throw money at all the problems until he has borrowed so much money that the country goes bankrupt, this will give him a good excuse to get rid of our armed forces, using the excuse that we don't need them anyway because w...
Just been reading an article in the Daily Express online ( ) about the cost of Brexit so far, £116,060,578,792. What an absolutely staggering amount. That’s more than £100 billon, this could have funded 1,290 hospitals, provided 14 billion meals for children, or hired two million police officers. On top of which the Bank of England estimate it is costing us £800 million a week which if you multiply that by the 12 week extension till June 30th she is asking for, that works out at another  £96 Billion, as I said before that should come out of their wages, they might not be so keen to keep delaying Brexit then.
Has anybody else noticed how quiet the media have become regarding all the migrants. 2 years ago all we heard or read about was the numbers of  migrants marching through Europe, also about the camps in France and migrants climbing into lorries etc to try and get to England, now nothing,  it's the same with hospitals, all we heard about was how they were overflowing with patients having to wait on trolleys in corridors and ambulances for hours on end, now nothing, we heard about the shortages of police officers, nurses, teachers, about how there was no money to build houses etc, about how our brave ex soldiers were sleeping on the streets because there was no money to look after them,  have all these things suddenly gone away or stopped happening? or is the news about them being suppressed? so as not to inflame the masses and make us even more determined to get out of the EU.
Isn't it peculiar how people are telling us that everything is in place for leaving without a deal, i.e. the people who control the ports of Dover and Calais tell us they are ready and that there should not be any hold ups, even Germany and France are saying they are ready for a no deal and that there should be no problem, at the same time there is no way that the EU countries are going to cut off their own noses and stop supplying us with food, medicines etc we are one of their  biggest customers, so why all the holdups? what have our ministers got to fear? or is it a case of what have they got to lose personally ? it seems to be a case of spreading as much fear as possible, if they are that concerned then why is nobody taking the time to actually tell us in layman's terms what we stand to lose and what we stand to gain from Brexit, do they think that we are that stupid that if we are tol...
Something I posted on a Facebook post. The cost of the Brexit extensions should be taken out of the wages of the M.Ps who keep voting to delay it, no wonder we do not have enough money for the NHS, police, education etc, when we keep giving it away to not only the EU but places like India who can afford a space program but rely on us to feed their poor, etc, perhaps if they had to start paying for some of it out of their own pockets  they would not be so keen to keep throwing it away, just remember it's not your money it comes out of the pockets of the hard working people who pay your wages. perhaps it's time to call an election, that way we can get rid of these self important idiots who keep going against the will of their constituents.
So the Appeaser is asking for extension until June 30th, why on earth would she do that? she knows full well that after May 22nd we will have to participate in the EU elections, all I can think of is she is trying every which way she can to drag it out until people get so fed up that if we have a second referendum people will either vote to stay in or accept her deal.
Can anybody tell me in all honesty just what is going on with Brexit, it seems to me that our elected representatives  are behaving like a bunch of spoilt brats who can't have their own way, and the leader of them is the worst of all. I for one cannot understand why she is so determined to get her "deal" passed when nobody else wants it, and that includes the EU, it makes me wonder if she has something to gain from it personally , if so what ?  I would have thought if her deal is so good why not go on the Television etc and explain in simple terms (for us thickies) just what we have to gain from it and then give us another referendum on whether or not we wish to leave with her deal or with no deal (it's no good constantly asking the spoilt brats, they can't seem to agree on what day it is)  While we are on the subject of the brats some one needs to remind them that they are the elected representatives of the people,   and when they are in parliament it is their d...