Has anybody else noticed that whenever a protest is going on, mainly involving young people, how the Marxist is always offering support, i.e. uni fees, global warming etc, I wonder is he is perhaps desperate to get the young people to vote for him,  but never a cheep from him when it involves protests about prosecuting old soldiers that fought in Ireland or demos about the IRA or terrorists, funny how he was always supporting ban the bomb and any thing to do with his mates in the middle east, i.e. Libya, Hesbola and any other terrorist organizations, makes you realise why he is called the Marxist, do we really want him in power in this country, if by some remote chance he does become Prime Minister will he keep his promise to support all the things he says he will or will the Labour party do what they have always done, throw money at the problem and hope it goes away, and then when the country is on the edge of bankruptcy  leave it to anther party to sort the mess out


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