I have just been reading about how one in four teachers in the UK say they experience physical violence from their pupils at least once a week, and many say that poor behaviour is making them want to leave the profession, this is such a shame, they go into teaching to try to help kids not to get abuse from them, surely this is all down to lack of discipline, starting in the home, one of the EU's laws that started out with good intentions is no longer being able to discipline children, All kids will push and push to see how far they can go and if you can no longer discipline them then what have they got to be afraid of , being the oldest of 10 kids my parents must have had the patience of saints, my Father never ever smacked us it was my Mother who saw to that side of things, and believe you me if we got a smack we deserved it, the same in school if we cot the cane or strap again it was because we deserved it, because of the discipline and the teaching we grew up knowing what respect was, unlike now a days where certain kids think that in order to gain respect you 1st have to threaten some on with a knife or gun, believe yo me that is not respect they are showing but downright fear, I think it's time we went back to good old fashioned family values. On another note I heard on the radio the other day about how the percentage of kids that cannot read or write is on the rise is on the increase, again surely this is something that should be taught at home, I would have that that by that time they start school all children should have the basics and should be able to count 1 - 10, come on parents is it so hard that you can't spend at least 30 minutes a day teaching your kids the basics, take their phones and playstations off of them and sit down and talk to them at least, remember they are your children, you chose to have them so how they grow up is down to YOU.  


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