Once again the people have been sold down the river, how many times is she going to call a vote on her deal? what happens if the brats keep on rejecting it will she keep applying for even more extensions? this can't go on any longer, what will it take to bring this fiasco to and end? civil war? surely there must be a process whereby the people can put forward either a vote of no confidence in the government or sack them by calling for a general election. I am still trying to understand why she is so determined to get her deal accepted when it has been made obvious so many times that nobody wants it, perhaps there needs to be an official investigation into her motives, usually someone who is as determined as she is to force something that they want so badly on to other people do it because they have a lot to gain personally.
It seems as if Brexit is now talked about more than the weather, and I have never known so many people discuss a subject with such anger, even more so than Tony Blairs weapons of mass destruction.


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