Can anybody tell me in all honesty just what is going on with Brexit, it seems to me that our elected representatives  are behaving like a bunch of spoilt brats who can't have their own way, and the leader of them is the worst of all. I for one cannot understand why she is so determined to get her "deal" passed when nobody else wants it, and that includes the EU, it makes me wonder if she has something to gain from it personally , if so what?  I would have thought if her deal is so good why not go on the Television etc and explain in simple terms (for us thickies) just what we have to gain from it and then give us another referendum on whether or not we wish to leave with her deal or with no deal (it's no good constantly asking the spoilt brats, they can't seem to agree on what day it is)
 While we are on the subject of the brats some one needs to remind them that they are the elected representatives of the people,  and when they are in parliament it is their duty to do the bidding of the people that elected them, if the majority of their constituents voted to remain or leave then that is what they should be fighting for and not do what they think is fit.


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